
Are you wondering how you can utilize Pinterest to market your small businesses, accounting, real estate, e-commerce, education, professional services, startups? Pinterest marketing is a low-key, self-paced way to reach people and get the word out. Having a plan for your Pinterest activities will help you reach your goals and objectives. BeeBug’s Pinterest social media marketing experts can help you scale the level of marketing you can only see for successful brands, specifically in Glenview, Illinois, & Schaumburg, Northbrook.

Our Pinterest marketing experts will help you create boards with keywords in your title. Pinterest has boundless and fantastic search capabilities, and we will help you in connecting with more people and ensuring your business has the maximum visibility by using keywords in your board titles. We ensure that you select a category for each board to assist people find them and for Pinterest to recommend your board as well. Our Pinterest marketing experts use the description to spread your ideas, and use keywords in your description and make it possible for the people to tweet your pins all to increase website traffic, generate leads, increase awareness, followers, enhance engagement. Our content experts will help in keeping your text in the pin description short, interesting, and relevant, and social media share-worthy.


Our Pinterest marketing experts will create vertical images to maximize your real estate. We will ensure that your Pinterest images should be long and narrow to take up the maximum volume of visual space and get noticed! For this, we do in-depth research where we look at the most favorite pins and see what the images have in common so we can guide you towards what types of images are repinned and shared.


BeeBug’s Pinterest marketing experts build relevant links back to your website or blog. We ensure that your business has two opportunities with each pin to add your link: one in the description and one in the source for the pin. Embedding pins on your blog is simple, and a great way to get more repins as per our advice. We will also be creating an embedded code on the Pinterest site to share your pins and boards on other social media channels and use a “Pinterest for business” account for analytics. We also help you in sorting popular pins and reshare them on other Pinterest boards or on social networks. Once a pin starts getting some interaction, we ensure to fan the flames by giving it some social love.

    Our Pinterest social media marketing will build interest with a tips board and collaborative boards that can help you reach a new group of pinners and have your pins be seen by more people. We will make sure that the boards you join are of the best quality and content because all the pins will show on our Pinterest presence as well. Here’s a secret: according to our Pinterest social media marketing, to make brilliant, engaging, collaborative boards with enigmatic images and great content.